Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

Housewife More Vulnerable Than HIV Infected PSK

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
mother and baby
Housewife is more vulnerable to contracting HIV / AIDS. (PHOTO: SUNNY BROOK) - Although this disease can not be cured, but the spread of HIV / AIDS can be prevented. Diseases that have stigmatized due to "immoral behavior" turned out pretty much suffered rumahtangga.Bahkan mothers, housewives more vulnerable to contracting HIV than CSWs (commercial sex workers).

Based on the data of Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) Ministry of Health (MoH) to September 2014, people living with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia as much as 54 percent of men and 29 percent women. Meanwhile 17% did not report sex. 29 percent of these, mostly housewives, reaching 6,539 people.

"The amount of the highest AIDS is the housewife. Risk factors most through heterosexual transmission is 61.5 per cent, followed by perinatal transmission (birth) 2.7 percent, "said the head of the Ministry of Health Balitbangkes Tjandra Yoga Aditama through a press release received by journalists, Sunday (11/30/2014).

Some housewives are a lot of contracting HIV from her husband who never had intercourse with sex workers or non-sterile needles. The housewife then come infected with HIV during sexual intercourse with her husband without protective equipment.

Program Manager of the Association of Indonesian Positive Women, Melly Windi Lianti, in a meeting on Friday (05/09/2014) in Jakarta, said the female sex workers more aware of the dangers of contracting the HIV virus. They also take precautions by using a condom during sex.

"Phenomenon is now more in housewives because they felt they had no HIV risk. Friends prostitutes are even more aware," said Melly. TEMPAT JUAL SEPATU SNEAKERS ONLINE TERPERCAYA | TEMPAT JUAL SEPATU SNEAKERS ONLINE TERPERCAYA | TEMPAT JUAL SEPATU SNEAKERS ONLINE TERPERCAYA

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